Weekly Photo Challenge: Descent…

I can’t help but uploading this photo right away here

Descent, this week’s weekly photo challenge, is what represents this photo I freely took while my little brother enjoyed his skin diving at Kelagian island, Lampung, in our home town. Descending almost to the bottom of the sea…

How I miss my family and the deep blue sea 🙂

At the bottom of Kelagian island, Lampung

At the bottom of Kelagian island, Lampung















Here are some of the entry you might be interested to see 🙂

Weekly Photo Challenge: Descent



Weekly Photo Challenge: Descent


Weekly Photo Challenge: Descent

Missing Lampung and its pristine water…

Well…I might sound like a broken record..

But truly, I miss diving, snorkeling or even strolling around the beach with its crystal clear and pristine water…

I miss Lampung, my beloved hometown…

And now looking at those photos, let me just share some of the beautiful creatures and nature-dweller found during our last trip to Tanjung Putus Island, Lampung, Indonesia..

powdery sandy beach, clear blue sky and crystal clear water...

powdery sandy beach, clear blue sky and crystal clear water…

The pipe fish...

The pipe fish…



more pipe fish

more pipe fish

the corals..

the corals..

the giant clams

the giant clam

We call it ikan bendera

We call it ikan bendera

Ajay, my little brother, venturing the deep water..

Ajay, my little brother, venturing the deep water..

my cousin Elmo, enjoying the water..

my cousin Elmo, enjoying the water..


Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer Lovin’…


it’s always be the perfect time for a relaxing break with people we love.

A day at the beach, barbecue with friends, dozing off at the park, screaming out at the theme park, or ice cream session on the street might be in the scenario.

That works for us too.

Although unfortunately now we are quite parted from our big family. But I will always cherish our June-July-August sunny days here in New York, though back home in Lampung, Indonesia, everyday is summer and I miserably miss our days on the beach of those pristine islands stretching along Lampung…

So, here’s my summer lovin’ for this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge

kiluan dolphin

A foggy morning at Kiluan, Lampung…breakfast session with the dolphin 🙂

kiluan bo et obi


kiluan indah kiluan Obi

Here;s a lil

Kapan kita snorkeling lagi ma…

I feel you, Bo…

We have the same longing feeling to the deep blue sea..

Pertanyaan Bo cuma satu: kapan kita snorkeling lagi ma… sabar ya naaak…hopefully soon :))..aamiin..


When we arrived at Rockaway Beach, we instantly noticed that the water will be too cold for us to swim. The wind was cold as well and although the sun was shining.

Guess we just have to wait for a brighter day….and after Ramadhan as well.

Hanging there, love…

– with Rudi, Bo, and Obi at Rockaway Beach

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After all those times….

such a lovely feeling…

Sejuuuuk hati iniiii rasanya ketemu laut lagi, walaupun nothing feels like home heheee…

Setelah hampir 3 bulan kami pindah ke NY, akhirnya ketemu laut, pantai dan pasir lagi… Such a relief lho, beneraaan…Apalagi beberapa bulan sebelum kami berangkat rasanya tidak ada weekend yang berlalu tanpa menikmati pantai indah di Indonesia, tepatnya kampung halaman tercinta, Lampung…

Entah apa yang membuat saya dan Bo begitu mencintai laut..Rasanya begitu menyejukkan dan tenang, padahal pantai dan laut seringkali panas dan membuat gosong kulit kami. But it will never discourage us to come and spend some time at the beach again and again.

It’s in our blood perhaps 🙂

So when we manage to come to Rockaway Beach, at Jacob Riis Park near Jamaica Bay, Queens, NY, Bo and I just ran to the beach and try to catch the waves. Cold water it is, but it carries the same homey smell :)…

Alhamdulilaaah. .. – with Rudi, Bo, and Obi at Rockaway Beach

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